How to Manage Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH) During Pregnancy

How to Manage Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH) During Pregnancy?

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Managing pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) throughout pregnancy is critical for the mother’s and baby’s health and well-being. PIH, also known as gestational hypertension, is defined by high blood pressure after the 20th week of pregnancy in women who did not previously have hypertension.

Dr. Astha Dayal, a recognised OB-Gyne Specialist at CK Birla, Hospital Gurgaon, explained some important points about pregnancy-induced hypertension during pregnancy.

Here are steps to manage PIH during pregnancy:

1. Continue prenatal Care on a Regular Basis:

Early and frequent prenatal care is essential. Begin prenatal care early in your pregnancy and keep all gynecologist appointments. Always exercise caution. Your blood pressure, weight, and overall health will be monitored by your healthcare practitioner.

2. Blood Pressure Monitoring: 

It is critical to regularly monitor your blood pressure. Your blood pressure will be checked at each prenatal visit by your doctor. If your gynecologist recommends it, keep a record of your blood pressure measurements at home.

3. Maintain Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Dietary changes: Eat a balanced diet with less salt. This can aid with blood pressure control. Avoid processed foods and foods high in salt.
  • Adequate hydration: Stay hydrated because dehydration can worsen hypertension.
  • Rest: Get enough sleep and rest. Avoid strenuous physical activity and stressful situations.
  • Exercise: As directed by your healthcare physician, engage in regular, low-impact workouts such as walking or swimming.

4. Medication:

If your blood pressure remains elevated despite lifestyle changes, your healthcare professional may recommend hypertension medication. Take prescribed drugs exactly as advised by your doctor.

5. Regular Monitoring:

–    Your healthcare professional will regularly monitor you and your baby for symptoms of problems. Regular ultrasounds, fetal monitoring, and urine tests to check for proteinuria (extra protein in the urine) may be required.

Some Sign and Symptoms you need to consider in emergency case

a. Swelling (edema),

b. Headaches,

c. Changes in eyesight, and

d. Upper abdominal pain are all indicators of increasing hypertension and preeclampsia.

Seek emergency medical treatment if you encounter any of these symptoms.

6. Dietary Supplements:

Calcium supplements may be recommended by some healthcare practitioners because they have been demonstrated in several studies to lessen the risk of preeclampsia. However, before taking any supplements, check with your doctor.

7. Birth Plan:

Your healthcare practitioner will select the date and mode of birth. Early induction of labor or a cesarean surgery (C-section) may be required in some instances to protect both you and your baby.

8. Counselling and Support:

If you are upset or anxious about your health, consider joining a support group or seeking counselling. During pregnancy, emotional well-being is critical.

Are there any specific recommendations for PIH Patients?

Throughout your pregnancy, it is critical to maintain open and regular communication with your healthcare practitioner. Your care plan will be tailored to the severity of your PIH and any other risk factors. Early detection and treatment of PIH can significantly minimize the risk of complications and provide a safer pregnancy for you and your baby.

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